
Inapa and OptiGroup merge companies in Germany

Inapa Group has just signed a binding agreement to acquire Papyrus Deutschland GmbH & Co KG, the German paper distribution company of OptiGroup AB.

The combination of the business of Papier Union (Inapa's German paper distribution subsidiary) and Papyrus Deutschland will enable it to have a leading position in the market with a turnover of approximately 900 million euros (in 2017, Papyrus Deutschland had sales of 560 million euros with a similar structure to Papier Union, which had sales of 389 million euros). The new organisation will have approximately 1,000 employees, who will be the foundation of a platform that is better prepared to serve our customers in Germany.

"This is an important step in our Group's strategy to improve the efficiency of the paper business. With the acquisition of Papyrus Deutschland, Inapa will strengthen its position in the largest European market, Germany. Customers will benefit from a broader portfolio in all categories of office and graphic paper, packaging, visual communication, safety and hygiene solutions. Strengthening our geographical presence will enable us to provide better and more efficient customer service. We are convinced that we will be the trusted partner with the right scale and reach to meet our customers' needs in a unique way," comments Inapa Group CEO Diogo Rezende.
